Terms of Service

General terms and conditions

The following Terms of Service contain the terms and conditions for the use and services of www.ivfinfo.ai (hereinafter: Website) and online web store (hereinafter: Webshop), which you, as a user of the Website and as a customer of Webshop services (hereinafter: Customer) use accept. The Service Provider may at any time modify these General Terms and Conditions in such a way as to update this posting.

1. Service provider

The www.ivfinfo.ai Website and Webshop is operated by Spring Molecular Diagnostics Limited Liability Company (hereinafter: Service Provider):

Headquarters: 1112 Budapest, Görbe utca u. 6.

His email address is: questions@ivfinfo.ai

Company registration number: 02-09-081306,

Tax number: 32206494-2-43

Name of registering authority (company court): Company Court of Budapest Court

Language of the contract: Hungarian

Hosting provider: Vercel (www.vercel.com) registered office: 440 N Barranca Ave #4133, Covina, CA 91723

2. Use

By entering the Website, you accept the following legal conditions regarding the service you use, even if you are not a registered user or customer of any of the system's services. Failure to review the General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC) cannot form the basis of a claim.

You are entitled to use the services provided by the Website in accordance with the provisions of these GTC. If you use the services provided by the Website in violation of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions or in an abusive manner, the Service Provider is entitled to suspend or terminate your access rights, as well as to delete your data and the content you have published or made available without prior notice.

3. Data protection

Regarding the handling of the data and information you share when using the Website and the Webshop, please read our Data Protection and Data Security Policy at


4. IT security

Our company takes appropriate technical and security measures to protect and securely store your personal data, as well as to access and use the services, as well as to protect them from unauthorized access, use, alteration or unauthorized deletion. We also pay special attention to the safe transmission of personal and financial data. However, the Internet is an open, insecure network, which primarily serves the purpose of information exchange, and its service providers cannot ensure the security of the network for reasons beyond their control. The Service Provider therefore assumes no responsibility for damages caused by the destruction, late arrival, or other errors of messages transmitted in electronic form. At the same time, the Service Provider informs you that it does not handle the data of the bank card used for payment, they are governed by Stripe's general conditions of use and data management information.

5. Intellectual creations

The display and content of the Website together, unless otherwise indicated, are the intellectual creation of the Service Provider, which is protected by copyright.

Any use affecting the display, content, services, or any other use is prohibited without the written permission of the Service Provider or third parties affected by the services, in particular recording in databases, reproduction, any form of use for advertising purposes, and transmission to third parties, in all cases, either in whole, in part or in revised form. The contents and display on the Website, or any part thereof, may only be used with the prior, express and written consent of the owner of the intellectual rights.

The service provider is not responsible for the content uploaded by users, and is entitled to remove or delete them without prior notice to the user, if they violate the intellectual property rights of another person, violate the law or good morals.

6. Advertisements

The Service Provider assumes no responsibility for the content of advertisements, advertisements and publications of third parties that may appear on the Website. Service provider, during the placement of advertisements on the Website, in accordance with the XLVIII of 2008. Act - on the basic conditions and certain limitations of economic advertising activities (Grt.) acts on the basis of its provisions.

7. Using the services of the Webshop, the steps of the order

Please read carefully the Terms and Conditions for the use of the Webshop operated by Neumann Diagnostics Kft. at www.ivfinfo.ai and only use the services of the webshop (hereinafter: Webshop) if you agree with all its points and consider them binding for you.

a) Steps of the order

The Service Provider's services, which can be ordered electronically, are available on the Webshop page www.ivfinfo.ai, where a subpage containing a detailed description of the service and the product brochure appears by selecting the link of the desired service. After adding the product to the cart, the site guides you through the ordering process, as part of which you need to enter your order details.

b) Steps for ordering the test:

• on the product description page, add the product to the basket by pressing the "Add to basket" button

• start payment by pressing the "Proceed to payment" button

• filling in the order data, including the e-mail address, delivery address, and telephone number

• entering the billing address

• choosing the payment method, which can be online card payment

• in the case of online card payment, redirection to the online payment interface operated by the financial service provider, where the bank card details are entered, then payment, confirmation of card payment through the system, the order entails a payment obligation,

• confirmation of a successful order by e-mail by entering the order number

• sending an invoice by e-mail in case of online payment

• performance of the ordered service after settlement and confirmation of the consideration for the service

By sending the final order, the customer declares that he accepts these General Terms and Conditions and recognizes them as binding on him. The order is subject to the GTC valid at the time of the given order.

The Service Provider fulfills the order if the Customer has provided the Service Provider with all the information necessary for fulfillment, paid the consideration for the service, and the payment has been confirmed by Stripe. The Service Provider does not assume responsibility for damages due to incorrect performance resulting from incorrect data, the resulting costs are borne by the Customer.

The Service Provider confirms the acceptance or rejection of the order to the Customer in a separate electronic mail. If the order is accepted by the Service Provider, the contract is concluded. Even in the absence of an electronic letter accepting the order, the contract is concluded when the Service Provider delivers the ordered service to the Customer.

c) Purchase price

The purchase price is always the price to be paid next to the selected service. If the product or service is subject to other public charges, the indicated prices also include them. The service provider reserves the right to change the prices indicated in the Webshop, with the change coming into effect at the same time as it appears in the Webshop. The change does not affect the purchase price of already ordered services.

d) Payment

When paying the purchase price, the customer can choose from the following payment methods:

1. Bank card

2. NA

In connection with the payment of the purchase price, the Service Provider does not charge the Customer any separate fees or costs.

e) Delivery

The Service Provider will delivers its service online.

h) Right of withdrawal and termination

You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired. If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event no later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. If you have requested to begin the performance of services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been provided until you have communicated us your withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract. You may cancel further monthly subscription at any time.

By clicking on the order button, the Customer accepts these GTC, including the Customer's previously detailed limited right of withdrawal and termination.

Withdrawal/Cancellation Statement sample

(only fill in and return if you wish to withdraw from the contract)

Recipient [enter the name, postal address and e-mail address of the company here]:

The undersigned declares that I/we exercise my/our right of withdrawal/termination with respect to the contract for the sale of the following goods or the provision of the following service:

Date of conclusion of contract/date of acceptance:

Name of consumer(s):

Address of consumer(s):

Signature of the consumer(s) (only in the case of a declaration made on paper):


i) Product warranty

The Service Provider guarantees that the sampling device is a sterile medical device suitable for molecular diagnostic use.

j.) Other information

A description of the subject of the contract, can be found on the Service Provider's website and in the Webshop. Information on additional services can also be found here, in the absence of this additional service is not connected to the given service.

The customer can submit any complaints in writing by post, fax or e-mail to the following contact details:

Name: Spring Molecular Diagnostics Kft.

Mail: questions@ivfinfo.ai

We will investigate your complaint within 10 working days, and we will notify you of the result by e-mail no later than 30 days after receiving the complaint.

A consumer dispute can also be initiated from the European Union's online platform, which can be accessed from the website https://ec.europa.eu/ consumers/odr.

We hereby also inform you that the 1997 CLV. Act on consumer protection, if a dispute arises between the consumer and the company, related to the quality of the service and the conclusion and performance of the contract between the parties, i.e. a consumer dispute, it is possible to reach a settlement, and in the event of this being ineffective, to make a decision on the matter to contact a conciliation body. The conciliation board of the consumer's place of residence or place of stay is responsible for the procedure. Based on the consumer's request for this, instead of the conciliation body at the consumer's place of residence or residence, the application can also be submitted to the conciliation body at the place of performance of the contract or the seat of the business concerned by the consumer dispute, or the body authorized to represent it.

Competent conciliation body according to Spring's registered office: Budapest Conciliation Board

k) Liability of service provider

The Service Provider is not responsible for the Webshop and the availability of its content, and is not responsible for any damage that occurred as a result of connecting to the Webshop (including the Website).

The service provider is not responsible for such errors which prevent the unhindered operation of the Webshop and shopping on the Website, and if the data sent or received on the Internet is lost in connection with the operational error. The service provider is not responsible for software, communication or other technical errors that occur during the use of the Webshop. Also, the Service Provider is not responsible for any damages resulting from the intentional or negligent behavior of the Customer or the unauthorized use of user or customer data, with or without the Customer's knowledge.

The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages or losses resulting from the use of the content provided. The content is provided "as is" and the Service Provider makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, for its accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose.

The Service Provider disclaims any and all warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the content.

The Service Provider shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the content, or any losses or damages that may result from the use of the content.

The Service Provider shall not be liable for any claims or damages that arise from the use of the content.

The Service Provider shall not be responsible for any damages caused by any third party using the content.

The Service Provider shall not be responsible for any damages or losses arising from any reliance on the content provided.

The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages or losses resulting from the actions or inactions of any third party in connection with the content provided.

l) Customer's responsibility

The customer declares that he is aware of the technical and technical limitations of the Internet, and accepts the potential for errors and risks associated with the technology. The Service Provider is responsible for protecting the data stored on its server, in particular the data required for purchases in the Webshop, not including bank card payments, when the Service Provider redirects the Customer to the payment page of the financial service provider in order to complete the transaction.

The customer is responsible for damages caused to the Service Provider or any third party by the unauthorized acquisition or use of his or other personal data.

In the following, we draw the Customer's attention to the relevant provisions of the Civil Code and the Basic Law. The Basic Law and the Civil Code protect personal rights. Anyone who comes into possession of a private secret and makes it public without authorization, or abuses it in any other way, violates the right to privacy. Privacy includes personal data related to family law relationships. The law prohibits the violation of privacy through any behavior and is punished by the Penal Code, so the prohibition extends from the unauthorized acquisition of the secret to its unauthorized use or unauthorized disclosure.

The Customer is responsible for ordering the right service for him. In the interest of choosing the right service, the Customer has the right and has the opportunity to request information on the free contacts provided and provided by the Service Provider on the website, or to request advice at the price specified in the tariff. Due to failure to do so, the cost of damages resulting from the selection of an inappropriate service shall be borne by the Customer.

The customer is also responsible for providing the exact delivery address. The Customer is responsible for damages due to an incorrect or incorrect delivery address in the order.

The customer acknowledges that by approving his order, he accepts these GTC, and by not complying with what is described here, he commits a breach of contract.

Technical options for correcting data entry errors

It is possible to correct data entry errors before pressing the "Submit order" button. To go back, use the "Back" button.

If you notice a data entry error after sending the order, please report it immediately to the e-mail address questions@ivfinfo.ai, so that the error can be corrected as soon as possible.

We would like to inform you that the confirmation e-mail sent by the service provider's system is considered a written contract, and that the contract will not be filed with the service provider. The contents of the contract can be retrieved based on the unique identification number of the order. Possible subsequent access to the contract in the form of sending a copy is possible for 1 year, which the user must request in writing from the customer service, indicated at the e-mail address

8. Exclusion of service provider liability

The content appearing on the Website does not constitute medical advice, but is merely informative. Please contact your doctor in case of illness or health complaints.

The Service Provider is not responsible for damages resulting from the temporary inability to download the Website, other errors, typos, typos or the temporary unavailability of the Website.

In all cases, if content provided by an external service provider is displayed on the Website, the Service Provider shall indicate the name of the service provider and/or the service provider's website/external access point for the content by showing e. The service provider assumes no responsibility for such external content, their correctness, changes, or errors in links. At the request of the authorized service provider, the Service Provider deletes or modifies the external link.

The service provider is not responsible for direct, indirect or other damages resulting from the use, transmission or possible unavailability of the data and information of the Website and Webshop. The Service Provider does not assume responsibility for the content of other Internet websites not operated by Spring, which may be accessible from the Website's website, and does not assume responsibility for the content of other Internet websites not operated by Spring, which point to the Service Provider's website.

9. Other

In matters not regulated in these Terms of Service, the following laws apply:

• XLVII of 2008 Act on the Prohibition of Unfair Trade Practices towards Consumers (Fttv.);

• 45/2014. (II. 26.) Government Decree on the detailed rules of contracts between the consumer and the business

• CLV of 1997. act on consumer protection

• XLVIII of 2008 Act on the Basic Conditions and Certain Limitations of Economic Advertising Activities (Grt.);

• CXIX of 1995 law on the management of name and address data for the purpose of research and direct business acquisition (Amendment Act);

• CVIII of 2001 Act on certain issues of electronic commercial services and services related to the information society (Eker. tv.);

• Act C of 2003 on electronic communications (Eht.)

• Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code.